West Bank offices will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

West Bank offices will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

West Bank offices will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

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Planning to travel

out of the area?

If you are planning to travel out of state and especially when traveling internationally, please be sure to contact the bank at 1-800-810-2301 or click “My cards” in the West Bank mobile app to report travel plans prior to your departure date to ensure we are aware of your itinerary and your anticipated account activity. This may help you avoid any declined transactions when out-of-the-ordinary transactions are posted.

West Bank Customer

Protection & Security

As incidents of fraud continue to escalate, the security of your card-purchases is an important consideration. To protect West Bank debit card holders, West Bank continually monitors risk factors and blocks geographic, vendor-type and transaction-type purchases commonly targeted by criminals.

We are observing increased counterfeit debit card activity where thieves are using credit, signature-based transactions, to defraud customers. This could mean that if you select a credit, signature-based transaction, when using your debit card, your transaction may be declined due to the increased security controls put in place by West Bank for your protection.

important debit card actions

when traveling

  • If your debit card, signature-based, transaction is declined, change your payment type to a debit-based transaction, enter your PIN and the transaction should complete.

  • Carry a pre-paid gift card or alternative form of payment for vendors not offering PIN based transaction options, such as restaurants.

  • Make sure that West Bank has your most current contact information, including your mobile telephone number, so that West Bank can contact you should we suspect fraudulent activity or if we see that unusual spending patterns are occurring in your account.

  • Make a note of the Fiserv (our debit card processor) customer service number 1-800-472-3272 before you leave so that you can contact them if you should require assistance while you are away.
    Make sure you carefully review the entries on your statement every month. If you find any unexpected or incorrect transactions, please contact us immediately.

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