West Bank offices will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

West Bank offices will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

West Bank offices will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

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Central Iowa

Central Iowa

community Board

In a bank where relationships reign supreme, it’s no surprise that we would look to community leaders to serve on our Central Iowa Community Board. We turn to these leaders and seek their insights, perspective and collective wisdom.

We applaud each of them for their success and community involvement, and we’re grateful for their assistance in helping us achieve our business, government and community-relations goals.

All six of our community boards are non-voting advisory boards with knowledge of the communities we serve.

Taylor Brown, Brown NationaLeasing
Taylor Brown

Brown NationaLease

Rhonda Burkhart, The Underground Company, LTD
Rhonda Burkhardt

The Underground Company, LTD

Jerry Deegan, Retired
Jerry Deegan


Darin Ferguson, Ferguson Commercial Real Estate Services
Darin Ferguson

Ferguson Commercial Real Estate Services

Ryan Flynn, Flynn + Sweeney LLC
Ryan Flynn

Flynn + Sweeney LLC

Kevin Grimm, Investor/Consultant
Kevin Grimm


Greg LaMair, AssuredPartners
Greg LaMair


Brian Loffredo, Loffredo Fresh Produce
Brian Loffredo

Loffredo Fresh Produce

Dave Moench, Wolfe Eye Clinic
Dave Moench

Wolfe Eye Clinic

Steve Schweizer, Denman & Company
Steve Schweizer

Denman & Company

Victoria Veiock, Bing’s
Victoria Veiock


Jeff Yurgae, Mueller-Yurgae Associates, Inc.
Jeff Yurgae

Mueller-Yurgae Associates, Inc.

community board Regions

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